At Kingsway Primary School our staff believe that PSHE underpins every area of the curriculum. We incorporate our British Values throughout our curriculum and in our No Outsiders assemblies.
Our curriculum for PHSE and RSE aims to ensure all pupils:
Understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle.
Understand how to stay safe and behave online.
Develop responsibility and independence within school which will be taken forward into society and into working lives.
Respect other people, in particular, learning to respect the different cultural/ethnic/religious/gendered viewpoints of others in our school community and the wider world.
Understand what constitutes ‘socially acceptable’ behaviour at school and in society.
Be a constructive member of society.
Understand democracy.
Develop good relationships with peers and adults.
Develop self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth.
Make positive, informed choices as we make our way through life.
Understand that we have a right to speak up about issues or events, and to respect others` right to do the same.
At Kingsway Primary School, we strive to be inclusive and have high aspiration for everyone in our school community. We are proud to have been recognised and awarded our Inclusion Quality Mark for our efforts as well as being accredited a Silver status My Happy Mind School.
Our children are supported to develop and understand their sense of self, mental health and well being as well as their physical and emotional development. This is done in a number of ways. All children from Foundation 1 through to year 6 take part in My Happy Mind delivered sessions combined with our PSHE curriculum Jigsaw. Where appropriate, children will take part in individual or group support such as: Circle of Friends, Emotional Coaching, Zones of regulation and Hidden Chimp to offer extra support.
All members of staff are trained in Therapeutic Schools and use this approach when supporting our children.
What is PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education)?
PSHE is a programme of study that aims to equip children and young people with the skills, knowledge and understanding to be successful in managing their lives independently.
The National Curriculum states that:
Schools should seek to use PSHE education to build, where appropriate, on the statutory content already outlined in the national curriculum, the basic school curriculum and in statutory guidance on: drug education, financial education, sex and relationship education (SRE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.
At Kingsway we achieve this through Jigsaw, My Happy Mind and our Therapeutic school approach.
So what is Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE?
Jigsaw is an award winning PSHE curriculum that supports children to develop a strong sense of self and compassion for others.
This is done through step by step progression of the Jigsaw pieces: Being me in my world, Celebrating difference, Dreams and goals, Healthy me, Relationships and Changing me. Each year children build on the previous years learning of each piece.