‘Do the best that you can do, be the best that you can be!’

Team 3 2024 - 2025

Miss Neal

Welcome to Team 3

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The adults who help us in Team 3 are:

Miss Neal - Class Teaher

Mr Snell - Teaching Assistant

Miss Wheadon - Teaching Assistant

To keep up to date with the latest news and work from Team 3 follow us on Twitter @PrimaryKingsway,@KingswayYear3 and on Class Dojo.


Reading is essential to all curriculum areas and we spend time focusing on reading every day. Our reading lessons Read Write Inc and VIPERS which consists of crafted units of reading and comprehension through high-quality fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts.  Children use these to deepen their understanding of vocabulary, inference, evidence, retrieval and summarising skills.

Children also experience the joy of reading through a whole class novel. The class novel is a time to come together around a powerful, relevant text that engages the children and promotes discussion. In Team 3, we read a range of exciting texts.

Reading at home is essential. Reading books go home on a Friday and are returned to school the following week. Children are encouraged to record their own thoughts, feelings and ideas about what they have read in their reading records as well as comments made by adults at home.


Our writing lessons follow Pathways to Write, which is a programme of study designed to empower children to become confident and successful writers. The units of work centre on engaging, vocabulary-rich texts, with a wealth of both fiction and non-fiction writing opportunities. 


Mathematics lessons follow White Rose Maths, which aims to develop children’s mathematical fluency and their deep, long-term and adaptable understanding of maths. The children can then use this knowledge and understanding to solve a range of maths problems. White Rose Maths adopts a concrete – pictorial – abstract method that enables all children to access learning and lessons are differentiated so that and all children achieve.

To supplement maths lessons, we also dedicate time daily to practise fluency where we rehearse basic number facts such as bonds and times tables.  This is to improve the recall, automaticity and accuracy of key facts.  

The Wider Curriculum

In Year 3, children are taught a broad and balanced curriculum that includes all of the National Curriculum subjects. Over the course of the year, different subjects are prioritised at different times to ensure coverage and maximum attainment in all areas. The curriculum is exciting, dynamic and has been designed to build upon the children’s prior knowledge. 

Autumn 1:

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This half term we will be studying Seal Surfer, a fictional story written by Michael Foreman.  Pupils will immerse themselves in new, rich vocabulary, develop their sentence structure as well as working on their editing skills.  The unit will conclude with them writing a letter in paragraphs from the point of view of a character.

In maths we will be exploring place value, addition and subtraction, using concrete, pictorial and abstract methods.  We will apply our learning to solve problems.

In Science we will be learning all about the human body, including muscles, our skeleton and what it takes to stay fit and healthy.  In computing we will be learning about networks and how to stay safe online.  

Our big project this half term will be studying life through the ages, finding out what life was like in the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age.

In our Jigsaw sessions we will be learning about ourselves and the world around us, we will develop a greater understanding of the roles and responsibilities we have and how to treat each other with respect and kindness.

Autumn 2:

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In Autumn 2 we will be reading a new book, Winter’s Child (author Angella McCallister).  This winter setting tells the tale of a friendship between two boys.  There will be opportunities to revisit letter writing as well as the chance to create our own fictional tale.  We will be developing our writing skills by using similes and prepositions.  In maths we will be using our understanding of addition to develop our multiplication skills as repeated addition.  We will be looking at using equipment to create arrays and look for related multiplication fact families.  Our driver subject this half term is Geography where we will be identifying human and physical features.  In music we will be learning about R n’ B and performing on glockenspiels and recorders.  In Jigsaw we will continue to learn about ourselves and the world around us.  In art and design we will be creating clay pots, like the Beaker people did in the Stone Age.  In art we will be exploring colour and mood by studying famous artists and trying to replicate their pallet using water colours.


Spring 1:

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This half term we will be studying Stone Age Boy, a fictional story written by Satoshi Kitamura.  Pupils will continue to immerse themselves in new, rich vocabulary, develop their sentence structure as well as working on their editing skills.  The unit will conclude with them writing a story from the point of view of one of the characters. 

In Maths we will continue exploring, addition and subtraction, using concrete, pictorial and abstract methods. We will then go on to explore multiplication and division. We will continue with our daily fluency sessions revising our knowledge on the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times table and begin to learn our 4 times table as well.

In Science we will be studying  the properties of rocks and soils, before moving on to learning about forces and magnets. We will further build on our knowledge of rocks and soils in our geography unit, where we will be looking at the solids and rocks from our local environment. In computing we will be learning about sequencing sounds using coding skills.    

In our Jigsaw sessions we will be thinking about dreams and goals. We will develop a greater understanding of what we want to achieve in the future and to recognise the obstacles which might hinder achievement and take steps to overcome them.


Snow Day Activities (Thursday 9th January 2025)

Morning Team 3, 
Hope you're all keeping safe in this icy weather and are staying nice and cosy inside. As it's our second day off school this week, Mrs Holbrook has asked me to set you all some tasks to keep your brains busy today. 
You can do it in whatever order you like. I'll send a message to your grownups about logins as well in case you can't remember yours.
For spelling I have set up some spelling shed assignments I'd like you to have a go at. 
https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/login there's some pictures below to help you and your grown up to find them if you get stuck. 
Practice our spelling words for this week can you do a line for each? I've put a photo below of the words you need to practice. Any work you're really proud of ask your grown up to send to me and I'll put them up on Team 3 class dojo story! 
Watch this video about fiction and non-fiction books and then complete the three tasks. 
Watch these two videos to help you remember the column addition and subtraction we were doing before Christmas. Can you complete the questions in the photograph below on a piece of paper and show your grown up at home how you worked it out.
Addition help videos  
subtraction help videos 
Maths Fluency 
Did you know you could also use your tt rockstars login for a game called numbots. This is a game where you can practice you're add and subtract. You might find the early levels a bit easy which means you'll be able to complete them quickly earn your coins and get on to the harder levels today. Here's the link https://play.numbots.com/#/account/school-login/30007
Here's a video to tell you and your grown up about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEtVaPpWSQo
TT rockstars boys vs girls battle 
Today I have set up a battle between the boys and girls on tt rockstars, let's see who's better at times tables. The competition ends at 3.45 I'll announce the winner on dojo at 4 o'clock winning team gets 5 dojos each!!! 
Snowman competition (optional) 
If it's not too icy to be outside where you live and you can go out in the snow. Compete in our snowman competition. I've put my entry in the photos below see if you can beat it ! 
Hope you all have a fun and enjoy your day off! 
From Miss Neal, Mr Snell and Miss Wheadon 
Activities for snow day, Friday 10th January 2025:
Morning Team 3, 
Another day off school because of the weather. Please have a go at the following work today. The links and work are also on our school website. 
Please complete your spelling shed assignments from yesterday. Any problems with accessing them just drop me a message. 
Film review- I want you to watch pretend you are a film critic today. Get some snacks, get cosy and watch your favourite movie. After you’ve watched it  write a review about it for me to show off your writing skills I’ve put a layout in the photos above as an example.  I’ll post any you send back in team 3’s class story to give your classmates ideas of what to watch this weekend if they’re staying in with the bad weather. 
Some more practice on column addition and subtraction with exchanging please. The new questions are in the photos above. Here are the videos again to help if you get stuck. 
Maths fluency 
15 mins on tt rockstars please on garage mode. I’ve set this to just our 3 and 5 times tables so we can really work on those. 5 dojos for the person who has the most plays today! It was Freddie yesterday, will we have a new champion today???
Enjoy your weekend everyone. See you all on Monday. 
Miss Neal, Mr Snell and Miss Wheadon 

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