‘Do the best that you can do, be the best that you can be!’

F2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Freemantle

F2 Teacher

Mrs Ghader

Welcome to Team F2

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The adults who help us in Team F2 are:

Mrs Freemantle - Teacher

Miss Graham - Teaching Assisstant                                                                                

Mrs Bain – Teaching Assistant

To keep up to date with the latest news and work from Team 1 follow us on Twitter @PrimaryKingsway and on Class Dojo.

In Team F2 we are always learning, whether it is during our focused carpet times or through our continuous provision. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework (EYFS) to support our children to build strong foundations for the rest of their academic, social, and personal journey through Kingsway Primary School. The EYFS is split into 3 prime areas and 4 specific areas of learning and development which can be seen below. Our Children in Team F2 engage in a variety of activities, opportunities and experiences to consistently build upon their prior knowledge as well as learn new skills. In Team F2, we also follow certain schemes to support our children in building their early knowledge and skills.


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In Team F2 our children engage in daily phonics sessions following the Read Write Inc scheme of work. Children will learn what sounds each letter and groups of letters make and to use this knowledge to decode words when reading and writing.


In Team F2 we have our very own ‘Drawing Club’. Drawing club opens up the magic world of tales and stories to children whilst at the same time enriching their language and fine motor skills. Children immerse into a world full of imagination through books, tales and animations allowing creativity to grow.  We also follow ‘Pathways to Write’. This Literacy scheme uses a focus text to support children’s early literacy skills including prediction, sequencing a story, properties of different texts, and an overall love of reading.

We also engage in lots of reading for pleasure in which the children choose texts to read and share. This exposes our children to strong, healthy reading habits, new language and knowledge.


In Team F2, we follow a mastery approach via a scheme called White Rose Maths.  White Rose Maths focuses on children’s deeper understanding and fluency within a variety of maths concepts. Children use real objects to explore different concepts and progress to using pictorial representation and abstract representation once they are more confident and have a better understanding.  We continuously revisit concepts to ensure our children are confident, fluent and master each mathematical skill and concept.

In Team F2 we aim to nurture resilient, happy, respectful pupils who have a strong curiosity and love for learning. We differentiate all opportunities to ensure each and every child can access the curriculum in a way that is as unique as they are.

Autumn 1 

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This half term, Team F2 will be reading ‘Peace at Last’ and focusing our learning around the topic ‘Home’. Pupils will explore the different aspects of the story and develop key skills to support their future reading and writing knowledge. Pupils will engage in fun, interactive activities that will allow the children to use their phonics knowledge as well as build their imagination and love of reading. In mathematics we will be exploring a number of topics including numbers 1-3, repeating patterns, positional language, and circles and triangles. We will also be looking at the world around us, specifically investigating light and dark with torches, noises we hear and making comparisons between the bear's family and our own. 

During this half-term we will largely be focusing on supporting pupils to settle into Team F2 and become familiar with new routines. We will be using MyHappyMind and Jigsaw PSHE to provide children with strategies and tools to look after ourselves and to make our school a safe and happy place for everyone.

Autumn 2

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This half term, Team F2 will be exploring the story ‘I’m going to eat this ant’ written by Chris Naylor-Ballesteros. Pupils will explore the different aspects of the story and develop their prediction skills, their vocabulary, and their use of writing. Pupils will engage in fun, interactive activities that will allow the children to use their phonics knowledge as well as build their imagination and love of reading. In mathematics we will be exploring a number of topics including numbers 4 and 5, 1 more and 1 less, 4-sided shapes, and night and day. We will also be looking at the world around us, specifically at mini-beasts. Pupils will explore different minibeasts including their key features, and their habitats. 

During this half-term we will be exploring celebrations,  we will be using MyHappyMind and Jigsaw PSHE to dig deeper into celebrations, why we have them, and what they mean. Children will also engage in continuous provision learning activities which will allow them to explore different social skills such as sharing, helping, and problem solving.


Spring 1

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This half term, Team F2 will be exploring the story ‘Let's All Creep Through Crocodile Creek’. Pupils will explore the different aspects of the story and develop their prediction skills, their vocabulary, and their use of writing when developing their own story maps. Pupils will engage in fun, interactive activities that will allow the children to use their phonics knowledge as well as build their imagination and love of reading. In mathematics we will be exploring a number of topics including ‘what is zero?’,  comparing numbers, composing numbers, comparing mass, and comparing capacity. We will also be looking at the world around us, specifically at animal camouflage and the tracks they leave on different materials. The children will also carry out an experiment looking at the effects different liquids have on teeth based on the story ‘The Selfish Crocodile’. 

During this half-term we will be exploring the concept of appreciation and being thankful, using MyHappyMind. We will also be  utilising Jigsaw PSHE to explore our dreams and goals and why it is important to persevere and be proud of our achievements. Children will also engage in continuous provision learning activities which will allow them to explore different social skills such as sharing, helping, and problem solving.




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