Nursery 2024 - 2025
Miss Kirby
Nursery Room Lead
Welcome to Team Nursery
The adults who help us in Team Nursery are:
Miss Kirby – Nursery Lead
Miss Donelley
To keep up to date with the latest news and work from Nursery, follow us on Twitter @PrimaryKingsway and on Class Dojo.
In Team Nursery we believe that the children learn best through play and exploration, and we are incredibly focused on the children’s interests being at the heart of everything we do.
Our Nursery offers morning or afternoon sessions for the children.
Morning sessions are 8.50am - 11.50am
Afternoon sessions are 12.00pm - 3.00pm.
Children are offered snack during their session; this is often a piece of fruit or a toasted bagel with a drink of milk or water.
Throughout their session the children engage in focused adult led activities, both individually and in groups. Children will also engage in ‘child-initiated play’ where they can access activities and resources within our continuous provision, both indoors and outside.
As Nursery Lead, Miss Kirby will plan activities that respond to children’s interests, ensure that children make progress across all the areas of learning and help them reach their full potential.
Within our continuous provision, children have free access to carefully planned provision, including:
A creative area - with access to paper, glue and collage materials
- Resources for early mark making - with chalks, paint, crayons and pens
- Sand/Water play
- Playdough
- Book corner
- Role play
- Small world
- Construction
- Sensory area
In the Nursery classroom we have a child sized toilet and a sink, where children are encouraged to be independent. We also have a changing area for children wearing nappies. When children are ready to toilet train, it is important that staff work with families to encourage and support the children to succeed, offering lots of praise and reassurance.
The Nursery Classroom has their own outdoor area which the children have access to within their continuous provision and they also have dedicated outdoor play with access to the large outdoor area.
Our Promise to you –
We will provide an environment full of opportunities that stimulate curiosity and challenge thinking.
We will observe and listen closely to the child’s play and create a deep understanding of their interest, needs learning and development.
We will share your children’s nursery experiences and their learning through discussion with you and through Class Dojos.
We will work alongside parents to create a more personalised environment that will spark your children’s interest.
We will praise and reinforce positive learning experiences.
Autumn Term
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework (EYFS) in Nursery to support our children to build strong foundations for the future. The EYFS is split into 3 prime areas and 4 specific areas of learning and development.
The 3 prime areas are – Personal, social and emotional development, Communication and Language and Physical development.
The 4 specific areas are Mathematics, Literacy, Understanding the world and Expressive arts and design.
This term the children in Team Nursery will focus on building secure relationships with staff and other children in the class. They will also become familiar with our Nursery routine and boundaries. We will focus on encouraging all children to become independent, whether it be by using the toilet, putting on their own coats and hats themselves or by preparing their own snack.
The focused adult-led activities this term will include lots of ‘funky fingers’ activities such as ‘dough disco’ and threading, to strengthen their hand muscles and improve their fine motor skills. Our topic at present is ‘all about me’ and we will be learning all about our body parts, our emotions and the people who are special to us.
This term we will also ensure that the children are given lots of opportunities to improve their communication and language skills. We will do this by asking lots of open-ended questions, sharing stories, songs and rhymes, using puppets and by engaging in lots of imaginative play.
We will be exploring various traditional tales in detail, such as ‘The three little pigs’, ‘Goldilocks’ and ‘the gingerbread man’ which will allow the children to explore numbers, counting and also using the language of size by looking at ‘big’ and ‘small’ .
This term the children will also have lots of opportunities to improve their gross motor skills too through completing obstacle courses, music and movement activities and yoga to improve their balance, body awareness and express emotions.
Spring Term
This half term the children in Team Nursery will be exploring 5 key texts, they will be ‘Goldilocks’, ‘Supermarket’, ‘Shopping with dad’, ‘peekaboo apple’ and also ‘Cat’s cook-book’. We will be reading our short stories daily with the children for them to become familiar with and for them to be able to recall parts of the story afterwards.
This half-term the children in Team Nursery will be going on a ‘Big Experience’ to visit the local shop in relation to our key texts. We will be encouraging the children to engage in lots of imaginative play by role playing ‘shop’ in our Nursery classroom first. We will have a till and some shopping baskets and lots of items for the children to buy. We will be doing lots of mark-making with the children by making our own ‘shopping lists’ and ‘receipts’. The children will also be encouraged to join in singing ‘5 currant buns in a bakers shop’, using their fingers to represent the numbers 1-5 and saying some number names in sequence. We will also be counting our items in our shopping baskets and talking about their size and weight.
Before our visit to the shop the children will be involved with making our list of items and talking about what we can make with our ingredients when back at Nursery. When we get back to Nursery we will be using our items to make some food, whether it be making a cake,sandwiches or maybe even a pizza. Our main focus this half- term will be on enhancing the children’s language development and through our stories, role play and our ‘big experience’ our Nursery children are going to be exposed to lots of exciting new vocabulary which will hopefully lead to some wonderful language skills developing.
We will also be looking at a few other celebrations and traditions this half-term too such as Chinese New Year, valentines day and Shrove Tuesday.