Team 6 2024 - 2025
Mrs Kelly
Welcome to Team 6
The adults who help us in Team 6 are:
Mrs Kelly - Class Teacher
Miss Humphreys - Teaching Assistant
To keep up to date with the latest news and work from Team 6 follow us on Twitter @PrimaryKingsway, @KingswayYear6 and on Class Dojo.
Reading is essential to all curriculum areas and we spend time focusing on reading every day. We use VIPERs from the Literacy Shed which are comprehensions. In our comprehension, we focus on understanding of vocabulary, retrieving information, summarising, giving evidence and inference. Some children also have access to our computer-based literacy programme IDL.
Children also experience the joy of reading through a whole class novel. The class novel is a time to come together around a powerful, relevant text that engages the children and promotes discussion. In Team 6, we aim to read a range of interesting and engaging texts.
Reading at home is essential. All children have a stage reading book and a reading for pleasure book. The children should read at least 3 times a week at home and note it in their reading records. The reading records will be checked weekly.
Our writing lessons follow Pathways to Write, which is a programme of study designed to empower children to become confident and successful writers. The units of work centre on engaging, vocabulary-rich texts, with a wealth of both fiction and non-fiction writing opportunities. Children in Team 6 are familiar with the KS2 writing framework and work towards meeting the expected standards through regular editing and redrafting of our work.
In Team 6, we have spelling lessons on a Thursday and Friday. Each week, we will learn a new spelling rule, given online assignments through Spelling Shed to practise as well as homework to support learning. Our homework recaps the spelling words from years 3, 4, 5 and 6. This is important so that children can remember key words they have learnt throughout key stage 2, best preparing children for their SATS in the summer term. Taught spelling strategies are also monitored throughout the children's writing to ensure their learning is transferred.
Mathematics lessons follow White Rose Maths, which aims to develop children’s mathematical fluency and their deep, long-term and adaptable understanding of maths. The children can then use this knowledge and understanding to solve a range of maths problems. White Rose Maths adopts a concrete – pictorial – abstract method that enables all children to access learning and lessons are differentiated so that all children achieve.
To supplement maths lessons, we also dedicate time each week to revisit skills previously taught through Flashback Four activities.
Once weekly, we have dedicated some time to an additional arithmetic session. In these lessons, we have recapped our times table knowledge in the autumn term and in spring and summer term will use this to review other mathematical methods focusing on most efficient strategies.
It's important that children are continually practising their times tables in Team 6. We have some time dedicated to practising these each week but the more your child can practice at home, the better!
The Wider Curriculum
In Team 6, children are taught a broad and balanced curriculum that includes all of the National Curriculum subjects. Over the course of the year, different subjects are prioritised at different times to ensure coverage and maximum attainment in all areas. The curriculum is exciting, dynamic and has been designed to build upon the children’s prior knowledge.
Autumn 1:
This half term, we will be studying Star of Fear, Star of Hope by Jo Hoestandlt. Pupils will study the context of the text which is set during WW2. The outcome of our writing will be to produce a flashback narrative. During this topic, pupils will be immersed in a range of rich and varied vocabulary which they will also apply to their writing.
In maths, we will be learning place value and the 4 operations. We will use a CPA approach to learning, using models and manipulatives to underpin key abstract methods to develop our understanding.
Our driver project is linked to history this term, this is called Maafa - a topic about the slave trade.
In science this term, we are learning about circuits and electrical components. We will identify how to draw components as symbols and investigate voltage in a range of different circuits.
In computing, we are learning about commuting systems and networks where we will learn to work collaboratively in online communications.
In Jigsaw, our topic is “Being me in my world” looking at citizenships and our roles and responsibilities.
In R.E we are studying the religion of Islam.
Autumn 2:
In English this half term, we will be studying the text Can we save the tiger? By Martin Jenkins. The outcome for our writing is a hybrid text consisting of explanation, information and persuasion. We will study key features of each text type and embed this into our final writing piece.
In maths, we are learning about fractions and measures. In fractions, we will learn to apply the 4 operations to add, subtract, multiply and divide them. In measures, we will convert between metric and imperial units of measure.
Our topic this half term covers geography where we will identify key features of the Earth including lines of longitude and time zones. In art lessons, we are learning to mix paints identifying tints, tones and shades to create landscape art.
In computing, we will be creating media in a web page creation. We will consider what makes a good website and how to apply this to a web page design.
In jigsaw, we are learning about celebrating our differences. We will learn about many differences people have and discuss how we can celebrate these.
In RE, will be learning about the religion Christianity and it’s links to Christmas.
Spring 1:
In English this half term we will be reading the classic narrative The selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde. The outcome is to produce our own version of the story using appropriate vocabulary for a classic text. In Maths, we will be introduced to Ratio and Algebra learning to one and two step algebraic rules as well as how to use them. We will learn how to write and simplify formulae. We will also further develop our knowledge of decimals including using the four operations. In Science we will be experimenting with electrical circuits and the effect of voltage on an output. Our geography topic this half term is frozen kingdoms, where we will compare and contrast the Arctic and Antarctic regions and consider the impact of climate change. In P.E we will be developing our understanding of tactics through netball and further developing our understanding of the importance of making and closing down space through football. In computing we will be learning how to manipulate variables in a game using Scratch. In R.E we will look at how promises and choices are made in different religions and what they mean. In Jigsaw we will think about our dreams and goals and what makes goals achievable.
Snow Day activities (Thursday 9th January 2025):