‘Do the best that you can do, be the best that you can be!’

Team 1 2024 - 2025

Mr Lloyd

Y1 Teacher

Welcome to Team 1

yr 1 b.JPG    yr 1 e.JPG    yr1 c.JPG    yr1.JPG   yr 1 a.JPG   logo.JPG

The adults who help in Team 1 are:

Mr Lloyd - Class teacher

Mrs Roberts - Teaching Assistant

Miss Buckenham - Teaching Assistant

To keep up to date with the latest news and work from Team 1 follow us on Twitter @PrimaryKingsway, @KingswayYear1 and on Class Dojo.


Reading is essential to all curriculum areas and we spend time focusing on reading every day. We use Read Write Inc for our reading lessons which consists of crafted units of reading and comprehension through high-quality fictionional texts which are tailored for each child's ability.  Children use this to develop their letters and sounds whilst developing their understanding of vocabulary.

Children also experience the joy of reading through a daily whole class story. The class story time is a chance to come together around a powerful, relevant text that engages the children. In Team 1, we read a range of exciting stories including classic literature, fairytales and picture books which promote discussion.

Reading at home is essential. Reading books go home on a Friday and are returned to school the following week. Children will take home a book which they have been practicing in their groups that week as well as a similar book with a relevant topic.


Our writing lessons follow Pathways to Write, which is a programme of study designed to empower children to become confident and successful writers. The units of work centre on engaging, vocabulary-rich texts, with a wealth of both fiction and non-fiction writing opportunities. 


Mathematics lessons follow White Rose Maths, which aims to develop children’s mathematical fluency and their deep, long-term and adaptable understanding of maths. The children can then use this knowledge and understanding to solve a range of maths problems. White Rose Maths adopts a concrete – pictorial – abstract method that enables all children to access learning and lessons are differentiated so that all children achieve.

To supplement maths lessons, we also dedicate time daily to practise fluency, focusing on recall and automaticity of known facts such as number bonds. 

The Wider Curriculum

In Year 1, children are taught a broad and balanced curriculum that includes all of the National Curriculum subjects. Over the course of the year, different subjects are prioritised at different times to ensure coverage and maximum attainment in all areas. The curriculum is exciting, dynamic and has been designed to build upon the children’s prior knowledge. 

Autumn 1:

Lost and Found: Oliver Jeffers: Amazon.co.uk: Jeffers, Oliver, Jeffers,  Oliver: 9780007150366: Books

This half term we will be studying Lost and Found, a fictional story written by Oliver Jeffers. This book is about a boy who finds a penguin at his doorstep and decides to take him home. Pupils will be putting themselves into the character's shoes a lot in this topic and will be thinking about how they are feeling. The children will also think about what they would take on holiday, creating lists and verbalising their explainations. 

Throughout this book the children will be learning how to retell a story and will be orally producing sentences that they can recall from the book. Using the knowledge that they are developing in their phonics lessons, the children will compose sentences which have capital letters, finger spaces and a full stop at the end.

In maths, we will be exploring the numbers up to 10 and will be making them in a variety of ways using concrete resources. The children will be sorting the numbers, comparing the numbers and will then order the numbers throughout the hald term.

In science, we looked at everyday materials and we got to feel them and describe them. We looked at where we can find the materials in our everyday lives, especially in buildings and our home lives.

Our driver project is called ‘Childhood’ and we are looking at our past and what happens over time. We will look at games that children played with from years ago and have a go ourselves. We will analyse what has happened over time and speak about the differences between childhood in the 1950s and now.

In computing, we are learning about the mouse and keyboard and how to type our names onto a document.

In RE, we are learning about Harvest.

Autumn 2:

Team 1 Nibbles.JPG

In Autumn 2, we will be studying the book called Nibbles The Book Monster which really engages the children as he likes to come to the classroom and eat a range of different things which makes him naughty! The children will place themselves in the footsteps of each of the characters after they have been affected by Nibbles and will use speech bubbles to write down what they think the characters would say in that situation. The children will be learning how to use conjunctions in this unit to expand their sentences by using ‘and’. This will lead up to a final write which will be a diary entry from the viewpoint of Nibbles as he makes his way into other stories and causes mischeif.

In maths, the children will be using their knowledge of their numbers to 10 to add and subtract within a sum. They will be introduced to parts and wholes and will be writing their own sums from various scenarios given to them. They will also be learning about 2-d and 3-d shapes.

In science, we will be looking at our human senses, by testing them out in a range of different tests. We will look at different people and determine how we are all different in different ways, even looking at people with sensory loss.

In art, we will be looking at our primary colours and we will be exploring them to make secondary colours. We will be using materials to create portraits and showing them off to each other.

In DT, we will be looking at shade and shelter and how we can create our own sheltered home using materials that we looked at in science last half term.

In RE, we will be looking at the Christmas story.


Spring 1:

Yr 1.png

This half term we will be studying The Lion Inside. A fictional story written by Rachel Bright and Jim Field. Pupils will be building and expanding their vocabulary whilst retelling stories with a familiar characteristic. This will be building towards a final piece where the children will be writing the story about a small animal.

In maths, we will be looking at place value within 20. The children will be able to split a number into tens and ones and will be able to show one more and one less. We will then be using our knowledge to add and subtract those numbers within 20. The children will also be learning about doubles.

In science, we will be looking at animals including humans as well as human senses. The children will be able to Identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

Our driver project is Bright lights, Big city. In this Geography project we will be looking at the UK and the human/physical features of various settlemants. 

In DT, we will be looking at the iconic British taxi and we will be designing our own moving vehicle.


Snow Day Activities (Thursday 9th January 2025):

Here is the message that went out...
Hi everyone,

As we have had to close the school today again due to the conditions, I hope you are all safe and relaxed. I have little bits of work for us so that we are not missing out on too much...

Phonics- Could you please watch one of these RWI videos depending on your child's morning RWI group. If they have forgotten who their teacher is then please drop me a message. :)

Mr Lloyd-
ai- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/EIpp4vHo/ScfSF2RG

Mrs Roberts- ee- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/Xx0G7zJ2/rJtGsWX7

Mr Snell- ng- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/e1bNjKnp/Vhwpe2ZQ
ng (fred talk)- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/qfIYDlVT/4dOppkQH

If your child has a reading book at home, they can also have a go at this as well...

English- Now would be a brilliant chance to practice our letter formation. If you click the link below and then go onto "free draw", you can practice the formation of each letter.

If you do have writing equipment then please feel free to write some brilliant sentences with capital letters and full stops.

Maths- We have been adding and subtracting numbers up to 10. Could you practice some calculations? (4+2) (7-3) If your child could write these down, that would be fantastic:).

Geography- We have been learning about the continents, oceans and the UK. Here are some videos for you to watch (I apologize for how catchy they are):

Oceans- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6BE4VcYngQ
Continents- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6DSMZ8b3LE
UK- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvDIZoQLgIE

If you would like to send any pictures/videos to me through dojo messenger that would be amazing. We can show what we have done together tomorrow.

Have a great day everyone!
Activities for snowday, Friday 10th January 2025:
Hi everyone,

Sadly, we cannot spend our Friday together. Thank you to everyone who has sent in pictures to me. I have loved seeing you all working hard safely in your homes. I have set out some work for you all to keep busy today.:)

Phonics- Please watch the correct videos based on your child's RWI teacher:

Mr Lloyd:
aw- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/5tFPpuNU/WyRXFjI2
are- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/NFDCXHke/FQX9cWlW

Mrs Roberts:
ow- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/r5GeTsj1/2dWH046r
oo- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/BCEFpEeg/7S3PeT7n

Mr Snell:
ch- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/7NkSXB25/yMUNpjAk
ch- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/ICC0amzF/IHfi5o69

English- Today we will be attempting to create a sentence with scattered words. Can you move them around to create a sentence? Once you have done, you can write this down on paper.

Capital letters game- https://wordwall.net/resource/35766212/english/capital-letters-quiz

Maths- I would like you all to carry on with addition and subtraction within 10.  When you are working them out, could you draw some counters.
For example: (4+5) Draw 4 counters... then draw 5 more to understand what the whole is.



I want everyone to draw me the 4 flags of the UK.. England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Can you match them up? https://wordwall.net/resource/84606431/copy-of-uk-flags

We have also been looking at towns, cities and villages. Can you tell them apart? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUv2lD7031c

Can you write down what you might see in each settlement? bus stop? skyscraper?

Any issue please message me:) I would love to see any work/drawings that you have produced today.

Enjoy your Friday everyone:-)

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