‘Do the best that you can do, be the best that you can be!’


   computing branching database.png           computing.png        computing coding.png

"We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher's hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world." - David Warlick.


At Kingsway Primary School, we deliver units of work covering Information Technology, Digital Literacy and Physical Computing.  Our computing curriculum is delivered through NCCE which provides pupils with the essentials for entering a digital world.  They are able to problem solve and practice skills through regular exposure to each area of the curriculum.  From Early Years we encourage children to use technlogial problem solving within their 7 key areas of learning.  

See below our Curriculum summary (taken from NCCE.co.uk)

Computing KS1 unit summary.png

Computing summary Yr3&4.png

Computing Summary Yr5&6.png

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