English - Writing
"All a writer needs is talent and ink." - J.K. Rowling
At Kingsway Primary School, we have a writing curriculum that meets the requirements of the national curriculum whilst ensuring it enthuses and inspires our pupils. We have a curriculum that provides pupils with good writing skills, important opportunities for self expression and creativity as well as making available the affect of the written word. We utilise Pathways to Write, which enables pupils to draw from real life experiences and is taught through high quality texts.
Our aim is that all pupils are able to communicate their knowledge, ideas and emotions effectively through their writing. We strive to include a range of vocabulary, grammar and spelling with accuracy.
Across school, our pupils are provided with opportunities to write for a wide variety of purposes and to apply their writing skills across the curriculum. We encourage pupils to acquire independence as writers, developing their understanding of writing as a process involving the planning, drafting, evaluating and editing of their work. Awareness of audience and purpose is fostered through discussion of model texts, and pupils are encouraged to demonstrate their understanding by incorporating key features within their own writing.